St. Aidan's of the Grey/Bruce

Who we are

The Community Apostolic Episcopal Church Of Canada

We are a newly formed church and as a new Church Community, we are reaching out to all, in the name of God's Love. Our Presiding Bishop, and our other Bishops and Clergy, are dedicated, and work hard, to demonstrate living the two great commandments given to us by Jesus: Love God and praise Him, and to love our neighbour, as ourselves.

Drawing from Anglo/Episcopal/Catholic traditions, we are open to all who are affirming and wish to worship with us.
The Community Apostolic Episcopal Church accepts all, with Love and without judgement! It is both an inclusive and progressive expression of the richness of our traditions, which are fully inclusive. No one is turned away who affirm their faith in Jesus Christ!
The very essence of our message is unconditional Love, the Love of God, the Love of Christ and the Love for one another.
Those who are seeking a place to grow spiritually and as an individual and wish to be be embraced by the One who created all, will find welcome in any of our parishes.
We invite you to peruse our website and find out more about us. If you have questions about your faith or the church you presently attend is not a place of peace for you any longer join us! If you are longing to find a community that celebrates spirituality and celebrates the sacraments in meaningful ways, then you may find a home here. Blessings on your journey!

Saint Aidan's Community Apostolic Episcopal Church of Canada Grey/Bruce

Saint Aidan's Community Apostolic Episcopal Church of Canada was established in January 2016 and received its non-profit status in March of the same year. Services are held every Sunday at 10:45. The service is the Holy Eucharist/Mass. Saint Aidan's Church is of the Anglican/Episcopal//Catholic traditions, and all are welcome to the table. We are a full-service Church serving the total Grey/Bruce area. The Most. Rev. Thomas (Tom) Twose, the Archbishop for the Community Apostolic Episcopal Church of Canada, remains the Priest in charge and is available for hospital, and nursing home visits, pastoral visits, pastoral coaching, baptisms, and funerals. Saint Aldan's of the Grey/Bruce focuses on these two great commandments Loving God with all our heart and loving our Neighbor as our selves. When we do that, then all other commandments fall into place.

We concentrate on building our relationship with God and with one another and reaching out to serve people in need without Judgement. Are you looking to connect or reconnect with your spiritual Journey and expand your spiritual Journey, focusing on living the gospel in a place of safety? Then you are welcomed and embraced here! Are you seeking a Community Church that is welcoming and concentrates on serving those in need without Judgement but with unconditional love that Christ always demonstrated? Do you want to be part of the hands and feet of Christ, as He calls all to be? If you are looking for a place where all are welcome without Judgement but with unconditional love, If you are seeking a Church that genuinely embraces reconciliation and redemption, a Church that is Gospel-centred. Attend Saint Aldan's this week!
We look forward to meeting you. Call anytime 519-270-4763. Call for location of services this week.

What we do

JOIN US on sunday

Sunday morning, Zoomed from the home of Bishop Tom and Cheryl Twose, 366 Bruce County Road 8 South Bruce Peninsula. We have been streaming online, so if you would like to join us, please e-mail or message us, and we will forward a copy of the service. Our service is streamed live, so what you see, is what you get, warts and all!  

Service site opens at 10:15 service starts 10:45. We will send a copy of service! Click on this link at 10:15am.

Once a month, our service will be held at Gateway Haven, Wiarton, Ontario. It will be begin at 10:30am.

Food Service Program

Saint Aidan's operates a food service program that provides meals that can be microwaved by those marginalized people and homeless people that are living in rooming houses, motel rooms and have access to a microwave. These meals are much larger than the usual microwave dinner and are high in nutritional value. Designed with the thought in mind that it may be the only nutritious meal they have had that day. These meals are available throughout the Grey/Bruce region at no cost.

Recovery Program 

Did you get out of treatment or detox, need more support or direction? Saint Aidan's Community Apostolic Episcopal Church sponsors an addiction recovery program targeted at all addictions, whether it is alcohol or other drugs. The Genesis Process is just the ticket for most addicts. it is a non-religious Christ-centered program and is one of the most successful programs available. It is a nice augmentation while attending your local A.A. or N.A. meetings! You can call me anytime for more information at (519) 270-4763.

Partnership Expands Meal Distribution 

Today we expanded our Partnerships for meal distribution, for those vulnerable people by forming a partnership with the Chesley's First Baptist Church"s Break Bread Meal program as they distribute meals in the Chesley area. Our meals are now distributed by O'Share Owen Sound, Safe n' Sound, Owen Sound, and the Brocton Navigator Health Team for areas such as Kincardin area's.

why we do it

We’ve been there

Yes we have!

how you can help

Help our cause and build our kitchen

We were blessed with having been given a space in Chesley at no cost for a new commercial kitchen! We had the most marvelous volunteers assist in the building of the kitchen and installation of appliances. Our team is chomping at the bit to get back to work manufacturing and distributing our meals once again! We are standing here, with our hat in hand, asking you to donate so that we can have a proper commercial exhaust hood over the stove! This is the last piece we need, to be complete and ramp up to 600 meals a week, wahoo!

If you can help, please contact Bishop Tom at (519) 270-4763.

Donations for food program needed

We are always seeking donations for our various programs, including our frozen meal program and our Genesis Process Recovery Program. Our free frozen meal program has prepared and delivered about 650 meals a month, operating out of other personal kitchens. The Genesis Process Recovery will kick off again, when covid-19 settles down enough to permit it.

Our Priest, Bishop Tom, does not receive a stipend; in any form, all funds donated go directly to support our programs. All our projects are self-funded. We did receive emergency funding from the United way of $22,000 to help with the kitchen and supplies.

We are always in need of three-part trays. Which cost us approximately 150 dollars for one hundred and fifty trays. We project a need for 600 trays a month. Based on our return rate of 30% of the meals distributed.


  1. Hands & Feet continue to be needed at Saint Aidan's Community Apostolic Episcopal Church. There is a real need for a music leader, to expand the music program with our newly acquired organ, you should have some experience in church liturgy.
  2. Our meal program is starting to grow! There is a need for someone to begin the recruiting of volunteers and be part of a steering committee. 
  3. We now have 2000 pounds of food waiting to be processed at present!
  4. We have established a Good Food Box in the Chatsworth area, and we need someone to spearhead that! Call me at (519) 270-4763 or e-mail me 
  5. We also part of food rescue program. This food rescue is the first step in the gleaning of food from the community so that no-one goes hungry!
  6. All food is distributed without charge to the recipients. (Except for the Good food box.) which is open to all, and there is a small fee of Twenty dollars for the regular size box no gleaned food is used in the Good-Food Box


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